Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to Remove Insulation From Attic

Removing attic insulation can be quite a time-consuming and messy affair. However, this is one of the challenges that many homeowners face and this is for a number of reasons. Water damage and rodent infestations are some of the problems that require insulation removal so as to contain the damage and do repair.

Wet insulation can cause the breeding of molds and rodents can cause the spread of diseases on top of causing structural problems. In case there is persistence of rodent or mold problems for a longer period of time, it is necessary to take the due precaution to prevent contaminants from getting airborne and spreading throughout the home.

When considering safe attic insulation removal, you need to begin by preparing in the right manner. First, it is important to ensure that there are no traces of asbestos in the insulation. This is particularly the case if your home has insulation that was manufactured from 1930 to 1950. You should only try to remove insulation when you are 100% sure. If there any asbestos, you will need to seek the services of a professional.

In case there are signs of rodents or molds infestation, you should hire a professional to do rodent removal. Rodents can cause the contamination of insulation while molds can be quite toxic. When you hire an attic cleanup service provider, the professional will help to remove the insulation in a safe manner. They will be able to contain spores, molds and other possible diseases that may be carried by rodents. The professional will also clean and disinfect the attic before they can do insulation removal. For all your insulation installation, you should get in touch with Attic Construction.

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