Thursday, November 3, 2016

How to Rodent Proof Your Home

Many of our homes are regularly targeted by rodents. A rodent infestation can cause damage to the home, spread diseases and spoil food. As a homeowner, you may find yourself in a circle where you are ever trapping and baiting the rodents only for the infestation to occur after a short period of time. The reason for this is that the homeowner is trying to get rid of the mouse and rat infestation instead of preventing the problem. The best way of handling the infestation by rats and mice is by rodent proofing the home. There are a few steps that you can follow when trying to do so.

Carry Out an Inspection.
You will need to begin by checking for any droppings, gnawing or urine. These are the signs of a rodent infestation. Inspect areas such as the foundation all around the home. Look out for any gap, crack or hole that will be ¼ or bigger that needs repair. For holes that are smaller than 2, you can seal them using copper mesh or foam. For holes and gaps that are larger, a good idea would be to use the sheet metals or hardware cloth with a mesh of less than a quarter when repairing the area.

Other areas that will require to be checked include door flames, doors, windows and the window frames. If there is any form of weather stripping that doesn’t create that tight seal, this needs to be replaced. Broken window panes will also require to be replaced. Damaged door screens and windows will need to be replaced. Any hole, gap or crack around the frames that are bigger than ¼ or bigger will need to be repaired.
The roof is another area that will need inspection. Look at the roof ventilators, shingles and the vent screen to ensure that these are not only secure but they are not damaged, repairing and replacing where necessary. Ensure that the chimney has been capped to prevent the animal entry. Check the utility entry points as these can also provide an easy entry point for the rodents. If there is a hole or gap that is bigger than ¼ around the wire, pipe or cable entry points, these should be sealed. 

It is easy for rodents to climb up the homes that are made of stone or brick. Like it is the case with pipes, you can prevent climbing by painting a band of 12” with high glass paint around the structure to prevent climbing. Ensure that you also get rid of all sources of food and water for the rodents. All pet foot that remains uneaten should be removed. To ensure that rodent proofing is done in a professional way, it is advisable to work with a professional company.

Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Importance of Working With an Attic Cleaning Services

After rats and mice have been removed from your attic, there are high chances that the areas that they used to occupy need to be thoroughly and professionally cleaned. Without the proper decontamination and sanitization of an area in the home that was previously invested with rats and mice, there can be a number of problems that can arise.

It is important to bear in mind that rats and mice breeds like rabbits. These are able to give birth to babies for up to ten times in a year with each batch producing between 4 and 14 babies. It isessential to remember this as you will be in a position to note how this problem can get compounded and how the number of rats in your attic increased.

Buildup of Mould and Moisture

In case the rats or mice have been living in the attic for a  few weeks, the droppings that they leave behind as well as the urine excretion can contribute to moisture settings in your attic causing it to become imbalanced and can result in different mould particles. If these rodents have been outside in the rain, they will also drag in lots of moisture especially during the snowy or rainy day. This only serves to increase the moisture imbalance in the attic. Once your attic gets exposed to moisture regularly, this can end up causing a lot of damage. The rats and mice will also bring in decaying leaves as well as other organics refuse and this will play a major role in the decay process. When you track the refuse and waste in the attic, this is a clear indication that a mould problem has already began.

There is also a common spore known as myocotoxins and is usually associated with rats and mice. This can pass through walls into your living rooms and can cause various diseases such as asthma, pneumonia as well as other respiratory conditions. There are also some airborne viruses that are specifically related to mice and rats referred to as hantavirus. By breathing in the contaminated airborne particles, humans tend to get exposed to the virus. This will occur after vacuuming or sweeping the infected areas. You can also get exposed to the virus through bites by rodents, when the skin gets broken or even after ingesting it.

This means that there is a lot that needs to be avoided and this is why you need to involve a professional. If you are searching for attic cleaning service, you should get in touch with Attic Construction.

Tuesday, July 26, 2016

How to Get Rid of Rats in Attic

Rats are without doubt one of the most dreaded types of rodents. This is because they can cause destruction in your home. They can also carry ticks and fleas that can spread harmful diseases such as plague. Many people mistake rats with mice. However, the two are different in that rats are not only bigger but they have larger feet. This is on top of the fact that they can cause more damage.

Rats have the ability to eat into the pantry and contaminate food. They will leave their droppings on flour, sugar and cereals and like you would guess, this isn’t sanitary at all. They will gnaw into almost everything that they come across such as electrical wiring, plumbing and studs. Rats are the major cause of many house fires. Not only do they chew on the electrical wiring but they bring in flammable nesting materials such as twigs, leaves and twine and these can light up the entire home.

How to Detect a Rat Infestation

You should determine whether there is a rat infestation before you can think of how to get rid of rats in attic. There are various signs that you should be on the lookout for. These include some urine streak along the wall and other areas that are frequented by rats. You can buy a flash light to help you detect these urine streaks in dark areas.
Another great way to notice a rat infestation is by looking at chew marks around the cabinets in boxes and food bags. Rats will also chew some holes that are over 32 inches into the wall. When you notice these signs, your next step is to think of how to get rid of rats.

Rat Cleanup

One of the major things that attract rats is clutter. Rats will reproduce in the pipes of clutter in areas such as the attic, closets and basement. This is why attic cleanup is a major steps towards getting rid of rats. Unlike what people think, clutter is not only boxes, fabrics and bags. Rats have the ability to chew metals and can squeeze in through holes that have a width of less than an inch. Also ensure that your kitchen remains clean as this will help to get rid of their source of food.

You should bear in mind that the best ways of solving rat infestation issues is by sealing their entry holes. This is why you need '. For all your attic insulation needs, you should get in touch with Attic Construction.

Wednesday, July 6, 2016

How to Remove Insulation From Attic

Removing attic insulation can be quite a time-consuming and messy affair. However, this is one of the challenges that many homeowners face and this is for a number of reasons. Water damage and rodent infestations are some of the problems that require insulation removal so as to contain the damage and do repair.

Wet insulation can cause the breeding of molds and rodents can cause the spread of diseases on top of causing structural problems. In case there is persistence of rodent or mold problems for a longer period of time, it is necessary to take the due precaution to prevent contaminants from getting airborne and spreading throughout the home.

When considering safe attic insulation removal, you need to begin by preparing in the right manner. First, it is important to ensure that there are no traces of asbestos in the insulation. This is particularly the case if your home has insulation that was manufactured from 1930 to 1950. You should only try to remove insulation when you are 100% sure. If there any asbestos, you will need to seek the services of a professional.

In case there are signs of rodents or molds infestation, you should hire a professional to do rodent removal. Rodents can cause the contamination of insulation while molds can be quite toxic. When you hire an attic cleanup service provider, the professional will help to remove the insulation in a safe manner. They will be able to contain spores, molds and other possible diseases that may be carried by rodents. The professional will also clean and disinfect the attic before they can do insulation removal. For all your insulation installation, you should get in touch with Attic Construction.

Thursday, June 16, 2016

Importance of Attic Cleaning Services

Attic cleaning services

There are many people out there who don’t think it is necessary to clean their attic. This is until a smell starts coming from the attic or it becomes infested with rodents. However, with a basic attic clean up, repairs and inspection, it is possible to avoid the side effect and enjoy the due benefits. In order to understand the importance of cleaning & insulating the attic, it is important to understand how attic restoration looks like. With a thorough cleanup of the attic by a professional, it is possible to get a good chance to analyze the attic. Here are some of the things that you are likely to get in the attic.

Infestation by rodents

During the cold winter, you may discover the remains or presence of the rodents that make a home in the attic. With attic cleanup, it is possible to get rid of any junks, droppings, traces of urine and dead rodents from the attic in order to protect your family and home from getting infectious viruses.

Dirt and dust

As the attic’s content remains untouched for many months, this will cause the formation of a good amount of dirt and dust that forms on top of your belongings. In case you have a dirty attic, this will mean that the air in your home will be dirty. With a thorough cleanup, you will be able to keep the items stored there clean and improve the air quality.

Cracks & holes

With time, general wear and wood exposure will result in cracks and holes in the corners and walls of the attic. It is these small spaces that will cause the outside air to get into the attic and can cause your energy bills to go up. For the best attic cleaning services, you should get in touch with Attic Construction.

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